TUPE: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (TRANSFEROR TO TRANSFEREE) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.If you are able to do so, please identify by name or description the contract for services you are taking on (in the case of a service provision change) or the name of the business (or part of a business) you are taking ownership of (in a standard transfer):Please confirm the name of the legal entity that will operate the contract for services (in a service provision change) or take ownership of the business undertaking (in a standard transfer): *Note: this must be either: the name of a sole trader, the names of partners of a partnership, the name of a limited company or the name of a limited liability partnership.Please confirm the date on which the legal entity above will begin operating the contract for services (in a service provision change) or take ownership of the business undertaking that is being transferred (in a standard transfer): *Please provide the name/s and job title/s of the person/s who will be responsible for providing information to employees and consulting with them regarding this transaction: *Please provide the email address of the main person identified above who will lead in these matters: *If by the time you complete this for, you have received from us details of employees who are assigned to the contract / undertaking, please say whether or not you agree that those listed are assigned such that they are caught by Reg 4 Transfer of Undertakings Regs 2006:If you do not agree, please provide an explanation of why this is, so we can take your views into proper consideration.Please select the one of the following as the reason for the transfer: *Change of service providerSale of businessSale of part of a businessInter group transfer of part of a businessSome other reasonIf you selected 'some other reason' above, please give details below:We intend to advise employees who are assigned to the contract / business (or part thereof) that the rights and obligations under their contracts of employment (save possibly in relation to certain pension rights) will be transferred to the legal entity identified by you above, and that their continuity of employment will be unaffected as per TUPE Reg 4. Please confirm your agreement that this is accurate. *We agree that TUPE operates as describedWe disagree that TUPE operates as describedIf you selected 'We disagree…' above, please provide an explanation of why this is, so we can take your views into proper consideration. Please indicate by selecting where appropriate, whether or not you envisage that the transfer will have any effect on the following: Employee payEmployees’ work related expenditureEmployees’ pension rightsIf you selected any of the above, please provide an explanation of what will change and why any change/s will take place:Please indicate by selecting where appropriate, whether or not you envisage that the transfer will have any effect on the following: Employees’ work practicesEmployee’s working conditionsIf you selected any of the above, please provide an explanation of what will change and why any change/s will take place:Please provide details of any measures that are proposed in relation to the transfer, or as a result of the transfer, which may or will affect those who are transferred. You need only to describe measures which arise as the result of some definite plan or proposal which you intend to implement as a result of the transfer and not to measures which are merely a possibility where there has been no actual or contingent decision to put them into effect:If no measures are proposed please answer ‘no measures’. Typically measures are such things as: reduction in staff numbers, changes to working hours or pay arrangements, or the place where work is undertaken, or to job titles or holiday arrangements, or to pension arrangements, policies or contractual rights. Please confirm the name and job title of the person who completed this form: *Please confirm the email address of the person who completed this form: *Note: if you provide this a copy of the form will be sent to this person by email when the form is submitted.Please insert the email address of the person who sent you a link to this form below:Note: you do not have to answer this, but if you are able to do so it will help us to ensure this matter receives prompt attention as required by TUPE Reg 13 and to minimise the risk of an award against both your organisation and ours.Submit